Hi everybody! This is your friendly neighborhood ESL/Accent Reduction tutor, David Berlin. This is a short podcast that explains, very briefly, the history of the English spelling system (such as it is), from Old English to Samuel Johnson's 17th century "Dictionary of the English Language".
I know some of you have trouble because English spelling is not phonetic the way it is in many other languages; words are often spelled in English in a completely different way than they are pronounced. Hopefully this podcast sheds a little light on why.
If you'd like to discuss your ESL/Accent Reduction issues with me and set up an initial consultation and appointment, call (732) 776-7964, buzz me on Skype at david.berlin.esl, or just drop me a line at david.berlin.esl@gmail.com. Once again, that number is (732) 776-7964, or Skype at david.berlin.esl, or e-mail at david.berlin.esl@gmail.com. Until next time, this is David Berlin, signing off...goodbye!
Click here to listen to the podcast: a short history of English spelling.
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