Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Lost my cell phone...

Hi everybody. It's Wednesday, December 1, 2010. I seem to have lost my cell phone; I think it slipped out of my pocket when I was getting out of a taxi. That'll teach me to use a holster!

If you need to reach me in the next couple of days, you can do so at (732) 841-2969. I will be reachable at that number until Thursday night, December 2nd, around 8 PM or so. Since I am off contract with my old cell carrier, I now have to decide what I want to do for a phone and cell service. I'll post my new number sometime over the course of the next week, as this issue gets resolved.

Other than that, email communications are best. My email address is Thank you for your understanding of this matter.

Onward! Life goes on!

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