Tuesday, June 18, 2019


I live in New Jersey, and New Jersey in the Spring means the spring rains.   In America, we have an expression:  "The calm before the storm." 

"The calm before the storm" refers to that sense of eerie, otherworldly quiet and stillness before the wind begins to howl and the heavens open up.   In business it refers to a brief calm period before things get complicated, active and/or difficult.

For example: 

Joe:   "We haven't had much new business since the Vermont people found another vendor..."

Bill:  "its the calm before the storm.   There is a Korean conglomerate that wants us to work with another vendor to get something out by September.   If we can pull it off..."

Joe:   "if we can pull it off,we're in the pink."

OH!  That leads us to another American idiom.   "In the pink."   The idiom "in the pink" means in good health or strong and vital.   In the conversation  between Joe and Bill, Joe is saying that if they can get the job done (the idiom "pull it off" means "get it done") their company will be "in the pink"--in good vital health.

All right?  now you've got three idioms for the price of one (FREE!)  But seriously speaking, why not give me a call at (732) 807-5424 if you are interested in ESL/accent reduction lessons--I will work in person anywhere in NJ or Manhattan and via Skype (or any other videoconferencing software you want to use) from anywhere else in the world.   I have worked with Chinese in China, Turkish folks in Turkey, Taiwanese folks in Taiwan, Russian folks in Moscow--all kinds of folks everywhere. 

My Skype ID is david.berlin.esl so you can reach me that way if you like.

Or, for more tips on American idioms and accent reduction, check out my American Accent Reduction and ESL Training YouTube Channel.  Or, check out my American Idiom of the Day Twitter Feed.

American English and Accent Reduction Training website for details on what I do and how I do it.

All right?  All right!

Next time...

All right?  All right.

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